Company Profile

Founded in Nanjing, Jiangsu in June 2014, Jiangsu Strawbear Film Co., Ltd. is a film and TV company engaged in investment, production and distribution of TV dramas. As an innovative and energetic film and TV company, Strawbear Film strives to produce high quality video content by leveraging on its advanced and creative ideas, experienced production team and the cooperation relationship with traditional media and video new media companies. The works produced by the Company include Legend Of Zu Mountain (《蜀山战纪》) series, The Impossible Mission (《不可能完成的任务》), Treasure Adventure (《国宝奇旅》), Love Journey (《一场遇见爱情的旅行》) and other high quality films and TV dramas. In addition, by focusing on full-copyright films and TV dramas, Jiangsu Strawbear Film Co., Ltd. will strive to expand its business to the upstream and downstream of the industry chain, actively develop in music, gaming and derivative products industries, thereby creating popular film and TV IPs with great influence.

Our Goal

Our Mission

Adhering to tradition while promoting innovation, keeping pace with the times, and creating works of excellence for our era.

At the content level, we insist on creative transformation and actively promote Chinese traditional culture.

At the enterprise level, we pursue innovative development and explore the Corporate’s second growth curve.

Our Vision

To become a great entertainment conglomerate.

Our Corporate Culture

Think unpretentious, act diligently.

Our Persistence

To build a content brand.

Our Responsibility

As a Chinese content company

Integrating high-quality industry resources accumulated by the platform operation model, actively inheriting and promoting Chinese traditional culture, and continuously converting and innovating to provide quality content that meets the spiritual and cultural needs of the people.

As a Chinese company

Strengthening cultural confidence and cultural output, helping spread Chinese culture to the world.

As a listed company

Using a green and low-carbon cultural industry development manner, implementing ESG and dual-carbon goals, actively participating in the "participant economy era".

Our Team

Mr. Liu Xiaofeng
Chairman of the Board and CEO
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<p>Mr. Liu Xiaofeng (刘小枫), is an executive Director, the Chairman, the chairman of the Environmental, Social and Governance Committee, a member of each of the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee, and the chief executive officer of the Company. Mr. Liu joined the Group in June 2014 and is primarily responsible for the overall corporate and business strategies and overseeing the management and operation of the Group.</p> <p> </p> <p>With approximately 20 years of experience in media industry, Mr. Liu has gained an in-depth understanding of production and distribution of TV series and acquired rich management experience by managing the Group and developing its business. Mr. Liu founded the Group in June 2014 and has been the chief executive officer of the Group since then. Prior to the foundation of the Group, Mr. Liu worked in a number of well recognised media companies focusing on production and distribution of TV series. Mr. Liu served as the director of Phoenix Legend Films Co., Ltd. (凤凰传奇影业有限公司), a leading multimedia company focusing on investment, production and distribution of films and TV series, from October 2010 to June 2014. Prior to that, Mr. Liu served as the general manager of Nanjing Legend Image Co., Ltd. (南京传奇影业有限公司). From 2003 to 2006, Mr. Liu worked as the deputy general manager of Jiangsu Langtaosha Pictures Co., Ltd. (江苏省浪淘沙影业有限公司). Mr. Liu started his career as a reporter in July 2000 and subsequently served as a director of variety shows at Jiangsu Television (江苏电视台) until July 2003.</p> <p> </p> <p>Mr. Liu has profound influence in the drama series industry, evidenced by more than 25 drama series with over 1,250 episodes he has produced and distributed, some of which won the annual viewership rating champions of various TV channels, such as <em>Legend Of Zu Mountain</em> (蜀山战纪之剑侠传奇) and <em>Second Time Is A Charm</em> (第二次也很美). He is also the first to initiate the “Online first, TV next” (“先网后台”) broadcasting model which introduced a new broadcasting arrangement among distribution channels. Attributable to his deep understanding and accurate prediction of the future trends of the drama series industry in the PRC, Mr. Liu is a first-mover in cooperation with online video platforms, thereby having seised the opportunities brought by the rise of such platforms. He is also the first to adopt the platform business model to integrate premium industry resources to ensure the Group’s rapid and sustainable growth. Mr. Liu is a member of China Television Artists Association (中国电视艺术家协会), a council member of Jiangsu Provincial Television Artists Association (江苏省电视艺术家协会) and the vice president of Film and Television Artists Association of Nanjing City (南京市电影电视艺术家协会). Mr. Liu is recognised and cultivated as one of the Leading Talents (领军人才) of Year 2020 in Field of National Radio, Television and Network Audio-visual Industry (全国广播电视和网络视听行业). He graduated from Nanjing University (南京大学) in June 1997 and obtained his bachelor’s degree in market information management.</p>
Mr. Liu Xiaofeng
Ms. Zhai Fang
Executive Director and COO
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<p>Ms. Zhai Fang (翟芳), is an executive Director, a member of the Environmental, Social and Governance Committee, the chief operating officer and a joint company secretary of the Company. Ms. Zhai joined the Group in March 2017 and is primarily responsible for assisting in the daily operation and management and taking charge of the capital operation including investment and financing of the Group.</p> <p> </p> <p>Ms. Zhai has more than 10 years of experience in equity investment and management. Since March 2017, she has been the chief operating officer of Jiangsu Strawbear and is responsible for capital operation including investment and financing. Prior to joining the Group, Ms. Zhai served as the vice president of strategic investment of China Allied Shengshi Culture (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (中联盛世文化(北京)有限公司), a subsidiary of Alibaba Pictures Group Limited (阿里巴巴影业集团有限公司) (Stock Codes: 1060.HK and S91.SGX), from January 2016 to December 2016 responsible for its strategic investment and financing. In April 2012, she joined Shanghai Fosun Capital Investment Management Co., Ltd. (上海复星创富投资管理有限公司), a leading investment firm under Fosun International Limited (复星国际有限公司) (Stock Code: 0656.HK), responsible for equity investment in consumer and entertainment sectors as assistant president and was appointed as executive general manager in April 2013. Before that, she was engaged in management work at Ping An Asset Management Co., Ltd. (平安资产管理有限责任公司) from September 2009 to April 2012.</p> <p> </p> <p>Ms. Zhai obtained a master’s degree in financial development from Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (上海社会科学院) in June 2008, and an executive master of business administration’s degree conferred jointly by Columbia University, London Business School and The University of Hong Kong in 2017.</p>
Ms. Zhai Fang
Mr. Ji Jun Hong
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<p>Second-class director, Master of Laws, Doctor of History. Mr. Ji Junhong (吉俊洪) joined Strawbear Entertainment Group in 2022 and has successively served as the deputy director of the office of Sichuan Radio and Television Group (四川广播电视集团), the deputy director of the office, the director of local news department (地方新闻部), and the director of public channels (公共频道), the director of the film and television literary channel (影视文艺频道), the director of the TV program trading center (电视节目交易中心), the director of the film and television drama center (影视剧中心) of Sichuan Radio and Television Group (四川广播电视台), the chairman of Sichuan Starry Sky Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd. (四川星空影视文化传媒有限公司), the director of Sichuan Satellite Video Channel (四川卫视频道), the chairman and general manager of Sichuan Panda Dreamworks Media Co., Ltd. (四川熊猫梦工场传媒有限公司), and the deputy mayor of Nanxi District of Yibin City (secondment). He was also the deputy secretary-general of the China Television Association TV Drama &amp; Online Drama Production and Broadcasting Cooperation Promotion Committee (中视协电视剧网剧制作播出合作促进委员会), the director of the Sichuan Radio and Television Association (四川省广电学会), the director of the TV Drama Special Committee of the Sichuan Television Association (四川省视协电视剧专委会), and the vice chairman of the Sichuan Film and Television Art Alliance (四川省影视艺术联盟). Mr. Ji Junhong has working experience in many fields, such as provincial large-scale media organizations, local governments and industrial social groups (part-time). He has produced and supervised many excellent film and television dramas, including <em>To Dear Myself</em> (亲爱的自己), <em>Game Changer</em> (紧急公关), <em>Red Years</em> (火红年华) and so on. With rich experience in media platform operation and management, film and television drama series planning and production, and industry resource development and integration capabilities, Mr. Ji Junhong is responsible for the strategic planning and management of the Group's content creation and production.</p>
Ms. He Mai
Vice President
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<p>Ms. He Mai (何麦) joined Strawbear Entertainment Group since its establishment. Ms. He Mai has been deeply engaged in the film and television industry for more than ten years, successively serving as a supervisor, producer, coordinator, publicity manager and other positions. She is familiar with the whole process of film and television drama incubation, development and distribution, and has rich industry experience and strong quality control ability of film and television works. She is mainly responsible for development and production and the whole process of film and television projects of Strawbear Entertainment Group. Ms. He served as a supervisor in <em>The Love Lasts Two Minds</em> (两世欢), <em>Unbending Will</em>(石头开花), <em>You Are Desire </em>(白日梦我), etc. She served as chief producer and producer in <em>Thousand Years For You</em> (请君), <em>Legend Of Bikini </em>(乘风踏浪), <em>Cat &amp; Thief</em> (斗贼), <em>Never Give Up </em>(今日宜加油), <em>Dating, Stop Running</em> (相亲,站住别跑), <em>Hello Beautiful Life</em> (心想事成), <em>The Forerunner</em> (前行者), <em>Handsome Young Master</em> (公子倾城), <em>Second Time Is A Charm </em>(第二次也很美), <em>Breath Of Destiny</em> (一起深呼吸),<em> Inside Man</em> (局中人), <em>Customer First </em>(猎心者), <em>Love Journey </em>(一场遇见爱情的旅行), <em>Treasure Adventure</em> (国宝奇旅), <em>Dating In The Kitchen </em>(我,喜欢你), <em>Spirit Realm</em> (灵域), <em>Marry Me </em>(三嫁惹君心), <em>My Unicorn Girl </em>(穿盔甲的少女), etc.</p>
Mr. Zhang Fan
Vice President
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<p>Chinese famous writer, screenwriter and producer. Mr. Zhang Fan (张帆), penname Zhang Haifan (张海帆), joined Strawbear Entertainment Group in 2021. He has been deeply engaged in the field of film and television content development and creation for decades, specialising in digging and developing themes, script creation and judgment, and visual art expression. Many of his novels have been adapted into film and television dramas, including movie The Great Magician (大魔术师) (adapted from the novel The Great Magician (大魔术师)), TV series Green Blind (青盲) (adapted from the novel Green Blind – Prison Break (青盲之越狱)), online series Aristocratic Family Of Five Elements (五行世家) (adapted from the novel The Five Thief Kings (五大贼王)), etc. Mr. Zhang’s novels have won many domestic awards. He is praised by the media as the best person in Chinese mystery literature, a walking IP. He was solely awarded the online writer of the year by (天涯网) in 2012. He has served as senior manager and producer of many listed film and television companies in PRC, and has initiated, directed and created many film and television dramas, such as The Journey Of Flower (花千骨), City of Desperate Love (华胥引), Dance Of The Sky Empire (天舞纪), See You Again (再见那一天), Homesick (回来的女儿), etc.</p>
Mr. Shen Shaofeng
Vice President
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<p>Mr. Shen Shaofeng (申少峰) graduated from School of Arts &amp; Communication of Beijing Normal University, with a master degree in film; and graduated from China Youth University of Political Studies with a bachelor’s degree in law in Youth Work Department. Mr. Shen Shaofeng joined Strawbear Entertainment Group in 2023 as the head of Shaofeng Studio. Mr. Shen Shaofeng has worked successively for China Film Group Corporation (中国电影集团公司), National Radio and Television Administration (国家广播电影电视总局), LeVision Pictures (乐视影业), Tencent Pictures (腾讯影业) and many other companies. He has successively worked as senior management in Internet film and television industry, management in film and television industry, distributor of films, and many other positions relating to film and television industry. He has rich experience and outstanding sample cases in the field of radio and television policy research, film and television content production and distribution. He served as a producer in movie 1921, One Day When We Were Young (九零后), The Blue Defensive Line (蓝色防线), The Outcast (异人之下), etc.; as a planning director in movie Another Me (李茂扮太子), drama series Life Is A Long Quiet River (心居), Burn (燃烧); as a chief editor and reviewer in drama series Astringent Girl (爱的理想生活); as a supervisor in drama series Red Leaves in Xiang Mountain (香山叶正红), Unbending Will (石头开花); as a distributor in movie Gods Of Egypt (神战·权力之眼), Criminal (超脑48小时), Mechanic - Resurrection (机械师2), etc.</p>
Ms. Zhang Qingyun
Vice President
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<p>Senior film and television editing director, production technical consultant and director in mainland PRC. Ms. Zhang graduated from Communication University of China, and joined Strawbear Entertainment Group in 2021, responsible for the establishment and expansion of overseas content business. Ms. Zhang Qingyun (张晴韵) has been engaged in the cultural field of film and television for more than ten years, and has rich experience in film and television productions. She has participated in the production of more than 30 well-known films and television productions, and served as the director of the 30th China Golden Eagle TV Art Festival (第30届中国金鹰电视艺术节) theatrical performance of Hunan TV, the director of  Hunan TV’s Eve Gala. Representative works include drama series Hey Daddy (嘿,老头!), Prince Of Tennis (奋斗吧,少年!), Happy In Spring (幸福里的故事), The Girl Who Sees Smells (你好,我的对面男友), Half A Lifelong Romance (情深缘起), Youth Assemble (青春集结号).</p>

Group Events

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Strawbear Entertainment Group 2022 Major Events
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1、The Group established an exclusive traditional-media distribution strategic cooperation with a domestic leading online long-form video platform and held a signing ceremony, creating a new business cooperation model between online long-form video platforms and film and television producers.

2、The group became a strategic partner of Mango TV's “New Mango S Plan (新芒S计划)”, and the first cooperative drama You Are Desire (白日梦我) was successfully completed shooting.

3、Jiangsu Strawbear Film Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Group, won the first place in the fourth-year “Top 30 Private Cultural Enterprise in Jiangsu Province” (第四届“江苏民营文化企业30强”).

4、The group has established close equity/business partnerships with a group of outstanding creative teams represented by well-known domestic directors to jointly create a positive energy content matrix for Strawbear.

5、Thousand Years For You (请君) was successfully broadcast and within 24 hours after the broadcast, it broke through iQiyi’s popularity value of 9000, creating the fastest record to reach 9000 popularity value in iQiyi’s history.

6、Unchained Love (浮图缘) was successfully broadcast and continued to break through iQiyi’s popularity value of 9000. Within a week of its first broadcast, the number of overseas broadcasts exceeded 10 million.

7、The group became a member of the Boao Forum for Asia, and Mr. Liu Xiaofeng, chairman of the Board, attended the forum and delivered a speech.

8、The group set up a southwest headquarters and a US subsidiary to comprehensively expand its business territory and deploy overseas markets.

9、The Group comprehensively built a diversified office environment and actively improves employee benefits, establishing mechanisms such as equity incentives, supplementary medical care, and employee care.

10、The group set up an ESG committee and a working group to actively undertake the responsibilities of content companies, Chinese companies and listed companies, promoting the sustainable development of the environment, society and governance.

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Strawbear Entertainment Group 2021 Major Events
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1、On January 15, 2021, Strawbear Entertainment Group (stock code: 2125.HK) was listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and successfully raised a total of 1.311 billion Hong Kong dollars.

2、The group established a subsidiary in Hainan and established joint ventures with several top artists to comprehensively expand its business territory.

3、The Group adopted and implemented an equity incentive plan for the first time to recognize employees who have contributed to the growth and development of the Group and to motivate outstanding artists who maintain long-term cooperative relationships with the Group.

4、The film and television series Unbinding Will (石头开花), Inside Man (局中人), My Unicorn Girl (穿盔甲的少女), and Dating In The Kitchen (我,喜欢你) invested and shot by Strawbear Entertainment respectively won the first prize, the second prize, the third prize, and the third prize of 2020-2021 Jiangsu Province TV Series Award (2020-2021年度江苏电视剧奖).

5、The group's platform operation model continued to deepen, and invested and produced 8 drama series, including The Bachelors (追爱家族), The Girl Who Sees Smells (你好,我的对面男友), Unchained Love (浮图缘), Cat & Thief (斗贼), Legend of Bikini (乘风踏浪), Never Too Late (我的助理六十岁), Thousand Years For You (请君), Never Give Up (今日宜加油), increasing by 100% compared with the previous year.

6、Spirit Realm (灵域) was successfully broadcast. It exceeded iQiyi’s popularity value of 7600 and achieved top three of Maoyan popularity (whole network), realizing high-quality online IP visual operation and two-way mutual feeding of drama and manga popularity.

7、The Group has been listed as the holder of the Television Drama Production Permit (Class A) (《电视剧制作许可证(甲种)》) for five consecutive years, and became one of the 41 holders of the permit in 2021 – 2023 as well as the only non-state-owned company holding the permit in Jiangsu Province.

8、Liu Xiaofeng, the Chairman of the Board and the CEO of Strawbear Entertainment Group, was recognised as one of the Leading Talents (领军人才) of Year 2020 in Field of National Radio, Television and Network Audio-visual Industry (全国广播电视和网络视听行业). Mr. Chen Chen, the CFO, was recognised as one of the Distinguished Young Talents (青年创新人才) at Jiangsu Radio, Television and Network Audio-visual industry (江苏省广播电视和网络视听行业) of Year 2020.

9、The Group was invited to 2021 China (Nanjing) Culture & Technology Integration Exhibition Achievement Fair (中国(南京)文化和科技融合成果展览交易会), and the 4th Member Congress and Member’s Corporate Culture Exhibition (第四届会员全员代表大会暨会员企业文化展示活动) of 2021 Nanjing Cultural Industry Association, awarded the “Golden Phoenix Tree Award – Top 10 Digital Cultural Enterprises” (金梧桐奖 数字文化企业十强).

10、Breath of Destiny (一起深呼吸) was successfully broadcast and won 2021 Chinese American TV Festival Golden Angel Awards (金天使奖), 2021-2022 Jiangsu Province TV Series Award (2021-2022年度江苏电视剧奖) issued by Jiangsu Provincial Radio and Television Administration (江苏省广播电视局) and Jiangsu TV Media & Film Association (江苏省广播电视电影协会).

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Strawbear Entertainment Group 2020 Major Events
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1、Completed Series A+ financing.

2、The Group was awarded Golden Phoenix Tree - Top 10 Cultural Enterprises (金梧桐奖——文化企业十强) by Nanjing Cultural Industry Association (南京文化产业协会).

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Strawbear Entertainment Group 2019 Major Events
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1、The TV series Treasure Adventure (国宝奇旅) won the Five-one Project Award of Jiangsu Province (江苏省五个一工程奖) and the First Prize of the 2019 Jiangsu Province Outstanding Copyright Award (2019年江苏省优秀版权作品一等奖).

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Strawbear Entertainment Group 2018 Major Events
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1、Completed Series A financing.

2、Awarded by Nanjing Municipal People's Government as the first batch of Gazelle Enterprise of Nanjing (南京市瞪羚企业).

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Strawbear Entertainment Group 2017 Major Events
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1、The Group was listed as the holder of the Television Drama Production Permit (Class A) (《广播剧制作许可证(甲种)》).

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Strawbear Entertainment Group 2016 Major Events
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1、Successful completion of the first round of financing.

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Strawbear Entertainment Group 2015 Major Events
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1、The first TV series Legend of Zu Mountain (蜀山战纪之剑侠传奇) was broadcast on the online network and satellite TV, creating a broadcast mode of "Online first, TV next" ("先网后台").

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Strawbear Entertainment Group 2014 Major Events
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1、Jiangsu Strawbear Film Co., Ltd. (江苏稻草熊影业有限公司) was established at 2014.

Contact Us

View company details, you can contact us in the following the ways
+86 025-58055551
Room 2508, Building A Wanda Plaza, No. 102 Jiangdong Zhong Road Jianye District , Nanjing, Jiangsu